Understanding HeartBreath™:

Unlock Rapid, Life-Changing Transformation, Inside and Out

Feel the profound shift as you reconnect with your inner self and restore balance to your life.

Harnessing HeartBreathTM : A Path to Profound Wellness

Imagine a practice that aligns perfectly with your heart’s energy and offers a powerful way to manage the stress and overwhelm of your life.

That’s what HeartBreath™ is all about. What makes it so impactful is its ability to quickly tap into your body’s systems to reset and help you make intentional choices that foster shifts towards greater health and wellness. By engaging in this practice, you’ll experience a profound transformation that can lead to swift, meaningful changes in both your internal state and external circumstances.

As your guide, I lead you through this process using a carefully selected playlist to cultivate the ideal setting for impactful breakthroughs to occur. This practice is crafted to be a powerful neurological reset, guiding you toward clarity and relief from stress with ease. Experience a natural, yet transformative shift that feels both profound and meaningful.

“I would describe HeartBreath as intense yet not overwhelming. Detoxifying but not draining. A session of both releasing and receiving. It’s beautiful.”

– D. Jones, Executive Assistant, NGNG Enterprises

The Science Behind HeartBreathTM

HeartBreath™ draws from the principles of pranayama and holotropic breathing, focusing on nasal and open-mouth techniques to facilitate deep, conscious connected breathing.

While the science around HeartBreath™ , and specifically the breathwork utilized in a HeartBreath™ session, continues to grow, there is clear and emerging evidence that suggests that HeartBreath™ can positively lower stress levels and improve an overall sense of wellness.

Research Insights:


Enhanced Heart Coherence

The HeartMath Institute defines Heart Coherence as “a type of coherence that occurs when our body’s systems, our breathing, heart rhythms, brain rhythms, and hormonal response, are in sync with each other”. This coherence is linked with enhanced health and wellness. Studies conducted by the HeartMath Institute have shown that heart coherence, achieved through controlled and intentional breathing patterns, can smooth the heart’s rhythm. This coherence between systems reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone), enhances emotional stability, and improves overall cognitive functions.


Breathwork Yields Positive Impacts

A meta-analysis by Fincham et al. highlights significant reductions in stress, anxiety, and depression through regular breathwork practice compared to non-breathwork controls. These effects contribute to better mental health and emotional resilience.

Anecdotally, as a practitioner, I have seen transformative shifts and experiences in as little as one guided HeartBreath™ experience. I also have personal experience leveraging HeartBreath™ in my own executive burnout and trauma-release recovery process. While it is not recommended that this practice replace traditional mental or physical health therapy methods, it can serve as an adjunct to traditional methods thus enhancing the positive effects on the individual’s personal stress management and wellness.

Here’s What They’re Saying…

I recently completed a Breathwork session with Tammy, and I highly recommend her services. The experience provided me with a powerful and unexpected download, an energetic clearing, and a great sense of rejuvenation. As a result, I am now moving forward with renewed strength and enthusiasm.

Amber Vilhauer,
CEO NGNG Enterprises

I didn’t know what to expect going into the session but Tammy instantly made me feel comfortable and at ease. As I continued with it I could feel myself sinking deeper and deeper into my breath, until I felt almost one with my breath. Overall, it was a tremendously positive experience.

Gina Howell,
Executive Coach and Consultant, Howell Coaching

Tammy is a gentle guide that keeps you safe as you move through your process. She watches and give you intuitive prompts when needed. You feel held, but not distracted, allowing you to go as deep as you need to.

Mel Harris,
Wyshbone Wellness

The Benefits of HeartBreathTM

HeartBreath™ offers a wealth of benefits that address various aspects of well-being including, but not limited to:
A woman practicing deep belly breathing

Stress Relief

Through guided and intentional breathing and relaxation techniques, HeartBreath™ effectively reduces stress and promotes a state of calm, helping you manage daily pressures more effectively.

Enhanced Self-Awareness

By focusing on the heart and integrating diverse techniques, HeartBreath™ fosters deeper self-awareness and understanding, which supports personal development and emotional resilience.

Improved Mental Clarity

The integration of neuroscience and guided relaxation techniques helps clear mental clutter and enhance cognitive function, boosting focus and clarity.

Emotional Intelligence

The practice facilitates the release of suppressed or deregulated emotions which encourages more balance, leading to greater emotional intelligence and personal growth.

Balanced Energy and Vitality

HeartBreath™ harmonizes the body’s energy systems, promoting overall well-being and vitality, giving you a greater sense of energy and wellness.

Promote Physical Healing

HeartBreath™ not only helps to reset your neurological responses to stress, but also helps to oxygenate and bring new energy to the physical body. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that meditation and breathwork can reduce inflammation and therefore, can help to reduce the systemic effects of stress on the body.

HeartBreathTM can help you better handle daily pressures, gain insights into your emotional patterns, and support your personal growth.

Frequently Asked Questions about HeartBreathTM

Is HeartBreath™ for everyone?
While HeartBreath™ sessions are generally safe, they may not be for everyone. If you have a history of seizures, cardio-vascular disease such as heart issues or high blood pressure, are pregnant or have participated in a recent medicinal journey, this modality may not be suitable for you. All clients are put through an onboarding experience to support them and to ensure whether this modality is appropriate. Should you be interested in, or require a less intense experience, I will tailor the approach to meet your wellness needs while respecting the boundaries of your personal health status.
How quickly can I achieve results with HeartBreath™?

While I have seen transformational shifts in as little as one session, HeartBreath™ is not to be considered a quick-fix solution. Every individual, and every session, will provide a different experience and outcome. The greatest shifts often come after the completion of the session and are amplified if Executive Coaching is included with the experience.

It is also dependent on the amount of stress you are experiencing and how much you are needing to process and release. In my burnout recovery, it took about six sessions for me to begin feeling relief from the symptoms of burnout. For others it can be much less. It really depends on your personal circumstances and how willing you are in giving yourself permission to participate and release during the Heartbreath™ experience.

What can I expect during a HeartBreath™ Session?

Before your session starts, we’ll sit and chat for a bit. We’ll use this time to connect and ensure that you have a clear intention on what you want to work on to help you feel grounded and safe in the experience.

During our HeartBreath™ session, you will be guided through grounding techniques to calm the body and mind, then we will use deep, intentional and rhythmic breathing to support the opening of your body and mind and to release mental, emotional or physical blocks. This will be an opportunity for you to release any tensions or areas of distress in your body, allowing you to release stored emotion, feel more ease, release stress and to connect or align yourself more closely with what your mind, body and soul needs.

To close the HeartBreath™ session, we’ll have a quick debrief about your experience and I will also provide some post session care suggestions.

Then within 24 hours of your session, you’ll receive a communication from me to check in and see how things are going in case you might have any questions.

How Much Time Do I Need for HeartBreath™?
A typical guided HeartBreath™ session is 75-minutes in duration. I can modify the session to meet your needs and also provide 45-minute introductory sessions to those who have never participated in these types of sessions before.
What do I need and how do I prepare to participate in a HeartBreath™ session?

When you book your session I will provide detailed instructions, however, here are the basics of what you need. Turns out, you don’t need anything too complicated.

To get the most out of the experience you should identify a quiet space where you will be undisturbed for the duration of the session. You will need a flat, firm but comfortable surface (think carpeted floor/yoga mat – no beds please), a laptop or phone with access to the internet and zoom (if virtual) so that I can monitor your breath pattern remotely, an eye mask to deepen the experience, a blanket (as people often complain about getting cold when the body activates), an open mind and an open heart!

Can I Do HeartBreath™ On My Own?

The HeartBreath™ experience is a carefully curated and guided experience to enable you to go deep into your mind-body-heart-soul and to experience deep transformational shifts. As your guide, I support and monitor your experience to ensure your safety and to support your experience to ensure that you get the greatest amount of benefits possible.

That said, as your guide and coach, I will provide and offer take home practices to support you in between the guided HeartBreath™ sessions.

What Do HeartBreath™ Sessions Cost?

I currently offer HeartBreath™ and executive coaching in a number of ways. 

HeartBreath™, along with other mindfulness practices, are typically offered in the Signature Executive Exhale Wellness Coaching packages. These packages range in pricing and are dependent on the client’s needs and level of support. The signature Executive Exhale Wellness Coaching package includes access to unlimited HeartBreath™ sessions (both within the coaching relationship and access to any/all mindfulness/ HeartBreath™ sessions that I offer), as well as more traditional executive/leadership wellness coaching modalities to support the clients growth, development, stress management and return to wellness.

I also support clients through 1:1 and couple HeartBreath™ sessions. Sessions can be purchased individually or in packages, depending on your needs. These sessions typically only include a debrief with no executive coaching support. 

For a complete list of available sessions and programs, or to book a HeartBreath™ Session, click here

Are group sessions available?

I also provide/facilitate group sessions or can also facilitate broader wellness/organizational retreat sessions either virtually or in-person. For more information on retreats or organizational wellness click here or contact me to discuss your options.  

Find relief from your stress, regain balance, and lead a more fulfilling life with HeartBreath™